Re-Sourcing Self
Whole Health
You are in control – and responsible – for your mind and body. The transformation tools below are carefully-selected high-integrity resources. These teachers and their work have been definitively powerful for me and promise to ignite your alchemic journey to wholeness.
Link here to align with Nature and thus your true nature.
Link here to resource the extreme healing nature of Nature.
New Paradigm Learning
Schumacher College is a unique international educational insti-tution. It provides individuals and groups from across the world with the opportunity to learn on numerous levels about subjects relating to environmental and social sustainability. Set on the vibrant Dartington Hall Estate in the south west of England, the College seeks to offer a positive educational space which integrates the concerns of governments, NGOs, businesses and individuals. Through a range of educational activities, participants are encouraged to consider some of the most urgent challenges of sustainability and to take responsibility for delivering effective solutions in their own working and personal environments. Participants, teachers and staff work together to combine and learn from diverse experiences and knowledge. The context of individual and group learning provides a powerful platform for deep and holistic engagement with transformative learning for sustainable living.

- RAW FOODS (organic, non-GMO) – enzymatic and micronutrient-rich
- GREEN JUICES – maximizing nutrient-intake while saving digestion energy for bodily healing processes
- PURSLANE – exceedingly rich plant food (SEE DETAILS )
- DANDELION – liver and blood cleanser
- COCONUT WATER and YOUNG COCONUT FLESH – anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and infinitely more
- ALOE VERA – many healing properties (SEE DETAILS)
- CHIA SEEDS – calcium, potassium, a complete protein and countless other benefits (SEE DETAILS )
- STRUCTURED WATER – water, no Fluoride, flowing over round forms to mimic water found in Nature (streams, etc)
- DETOX – water fast to give the body a rest and allow it to heal. (Fasting also “resets” various aspects of the mind-body: beneficial to practice at solstices and equinoxes.).
- DETOX – fast one day a week to allow the body a regular break for healing, reduce food quantity intake overall
- DETOX – clean the large intestine from plaque with regular water enemas (SEE DETAILS)
- DETOX – clear toxins with bentonite clay (SEE DETAILS)
- MOVEMENT – Cardio – move the body with walking, dance, anything joyful
- MOVEMENT – Flexibility – extend the body with yoga, stretching, dance
- MOVEMENT – Strength – resistance & weight training to maintain and build strength throughout the body
- MOVEMENT – Lymph – critical to move the lymph (your filtration system) with massage, stretching, rebounding
- CENTER – Body – physically interact with Nature daily
- CENTER – Mind – meditate daily in quiet and stillness
- CENTER – Emotion – connect to your food, eat slowly
- CENTER – Spirit – breathe deeply and consciously
- Agape International Spiritual Center
- Alliance for Wild Ethics
- Animate Earth
- Astrocal
- Beshara
- Beyond Awakening
- Biomimicry Institute
- Bioneers
- Building Living Neighborhoods
- California Institute of Integral Studies
- Channel Higher Self
- Circle of Stories
- Conscious Men
- Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers
- Damanhur Federation
- Deepak Chopra
- Dr. Christiane Northrup
- Drew Dellinger
- Earth Justice
- Findhorn Foundation
- Foundation for Conscious Evolution
- Four Years Go
- GameWhys
- Global MindShift
- Global Oneness Project
- Human Design System
- Institute of HeartMath
- Institute for Sacred Activism
- Integral Enlightenment
- International Forum on Globalization
- Kalliopeia Foundation
- Living Economies Forum
- Louise Hay
- Mary Margaret Moore
- Neti Neti Media
- Open Source Ecology
- Panache Desai
- Permaculture Institute
- Peter Russell
- Positive World Radio Network
- Resurgence
- RSA Animate
- Schumacher College
- Science and Nonduality
- Slow Food
- Starhawk
- The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society
- The Center for Ecoliteracy
- The Elders
- The Institute of Noetic Sciences
- The Intention Experiment
- The Nature Institute
- The Power Path
- The Story of Stuff Project
- The Tapping Solution
- The Visionary Edge
- Transition Network
- Transition US
- Vandana Shiva
- A Mythic Life by Jean Houston
- A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
- Animate Earth by Stephan Harding
- Coming Back to Life by Joanna Macy
- Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas
- Dying to Learn by Oberto Airaudi
- Earthdance by Elisabet Sahtouris
- From Science to God by Peter Russell
- Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth by James Lovelock
- Gene Keys by Richard Rudd
- Life is a Miracle by Thomas Berry
- Nature’s Due by Brian Goodwin
- Radical Nature by Christian de Quincey
- Small is Beautiful by E.F. Schumacher
- Spiritual Compass by Satish Kumar
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo
- The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton
- The Biology of Transcendence by Joseph C. Pearce
- The Bond by Lynne McTaggart
- The Field by Lynne McTaggart
- The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk
- The Master and His Emissary by Iain McGilchrist
- The Mayan Oracle by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner
- The Philosopher’s Secret Fire by Patrick Harpur
- The Power of an Open Question by E. Mattis-Namgyel
- The Power of Myth featuring Joseph Campbell
- The Purposeful Universe by Carl Johan Calleman
- The Ringing Cedars, series,by Vladimir Megre
- The Spell of the Sensuous by David Abram
- The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard
- The Universe Story by Thomas Berry & Brian Swimme
- The Web of Life by Fritjof Capra
- Thinking Like A Mountain by Arne Naess